3 hours of knowledge dumping, learning & motivating with other notaries on how to start & grow your business effectively. Bring all your cares and leave with a solid plan.…
Come help us celebrate the concept of Coworking around the world. We are offering everyone an opportunity to use our common spaces and meeting rooms for FREE during business hours. …
Office Batch wants to level the playing field by providing a FREE and supportive environment where you can connect, collaborate, and grow EVERY MONDAY. We're shaping an environment where entrepreneurs &…
Did you know you don’t actually own your brand? Let’s change that! A trademark allows you to protect your business and own your brand A trademark is the ONLY way…
Networking has become an unfavorable experience because were focused on getting through the converstions and less focused on making true connections. Office Batch is excited to introduce Speed NETWORKING! Speed…
Are you feeling stuck on creating content for your social platforms? Are you looking to build skills and confidence in order to grow your digital marketing? Sign up for a…
(DO IT YOURSELF) DIY Study hall was curated to give our busy professionals and entrepreneurs a timeblock to focus on the things needed to move their career or business FORWARD. …
Unlock your business potential with the Business Breakthrough Strategy Lab! We'll equip you with the ultimate tools to streamline your processes, build a strong foundation, and operate your business with…
Register for Strategy Lab class with highly sought after strategist, Dr. McKeiver. *Must be an Office Batch Community member to participate.
Register for a free 30 minute laser coaching session to help you strategize your way to your next level. *Must be an Office Batch Community member to participate.